Captain's Log Book
With gestalt, I got acquainted with an advice that an oriental wise man gave to his student in a Zen pool, “Don’t change your surroundings, change your gestalt ” According to the story, this student, who is troubled with the occurrences surrounding him nd who cannot free himself of this situation for a long time finds the wise man and asks him for guidance.
Because gestalt tells how nd in what ways we perceive the objects around us, with this “change your gestalt” advice, the student is asked to understand an reality. We do not see the . ”objects” as they are, but as we are and we cannot perceive an object separately from the objects that’s near, behind, around it.
In accordance with this, for the purposes of my profession, I took notice of gestaltist approach’s complementary aspect that is the wholeness made up from objects belonging together as much as each individual part forming it. (for example the nose-lips-chin-brow-cheek bones etc. that make up the face) When making an image, considering these perception mechanism will have a part in evaluating that person in a rhinoplasty operation; I researched and defined the appropriate harmony parameters in face, body nd breast aesthetics matching these criteria.
I blended all this information with current medical data and information about surgery.
I named these assessments nd practices that I made based on the criteria derived from execution of theory gestalt aesthetics criteria nd I had the chance to experiment them on my consultants. .