What are the treatment techniques in rhinoplasty?
Genel @en
Each nose intervention emerges as a treatment of a problem. These interventions can have nonsurgical forms such as touch-up like upstring-filling and treatment can also be conducted via extensive operations called surgery.
Briefly, along with operations treating a superficial problem in an area under local anesthetics, there are also rhinoplasty techniques conducted under anesthetics. If the nose aesthetic operations called rhinoplasty are conducted with operations that intend to improve breathing, they are called septorhinoplsty. The septum operations that do not include removal of any piece are called septoplasty or SMR (submucosal resection). The reduction (resection, cauterisation) of outgrown (hypertrophy) spongy material named concha, that prevent breathing, can be conducted simultaneously nd with same reason. Replacement of missing structures in nose is called nose reconstruction, compensating irregularities with small fillings nd pieces (grafts) is called counterplasty, operations regarding only the tip of the nose are called tipplasty, secondary correction operations are called secondary rhinoplasty, operations conducted with cuts on the exterior structure named columella are called open rhinoplasty, operations conducted only with inter-nasal incisions without these cuts are calledclosed-rhinoplasty. The congenital anomaly in the nasal structure suffered by cleft-lip/cleft-palate patients is called CLN (cleft-lip-nose) deformity. Other corrective interventions regarding nasal structure in general, that has occurred as a result of accident, trauma or surgery are called nasal repair or reconstruction. For these operations, plastic surgeons with single specialty area who have qualified by having 6 years of training and ENT specialists who have completed their training beside these surgeons and maxillofacial surgeons with dentist origin are employed. Lectures regarding these subjects have recently been included in the curriculum of these specialties other than plastic surgery.